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An arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium












A document detailing the terms and conditions of a contract of insurance


A person who accepts business on behalf of an insurer

commercial insurance

Insurance that protects businesses against losses as a result of such things as damage to property and injuries to employees


A document detailing the terms and conditions of a contract of insurance

A person who accepts business on behalf of an insurer

commercial insurance

business liability insurance

Insurance taken out by a company to protect against injury or damage caused by a problem with a product or a failure by an employee











public liability insurance

Insurance that a business must have so that if it is responsible for hurting someone or causing damage to their property, it can pay them compensation 

life cover

Life cover is one type of cover that falls under the heading 'life insurance', and may also be known as 'term life insurance' or 'death cover'. Life cover pays a set amount of money when you die. The money will go to the people you nominate as beneficiaries on your policy

insurance broker

critical illness

An insurance product in which the insurer is contracted to typically make a lump sum cash payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with one of the specific illnesses on a predetermined list as part of an insurance policy

income protection insurance

Contact us

HugoWright Headquarters,

Willow Grove Farm

Station Road, Lakenheath

Suffolk. IP27 9AA


Tel : 01638 563983​

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Hugo Wright Ltd is registered in England. Company number 10043139 

Registered office address Willow Grove Farm, Station Road, Lakenheath, Suffolk. IP27 9AA

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Hugo Wright Ltd is entered on the Financial Services Register  under reference 844971

The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime, and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK 


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